One estimate is that 24% of school waste is recyclable paper and 50% is food waste and non-recyclable paper that can be composted. Invest in quality-made clothing. Show off your individual style with a colorful or . Reducing Food Waste at Work and School - Part 2: Practical Steps. Waste Reduction - A simple way of going green and encouraging your students to join in, without adding to expenses, is to reduce the amount of waste in the first place. Share. July 31, 2020 Posted by chandra; 01 Jun The average person generates 4.3 pounds of waste per day. Bring reusable bags and containers when shopping, traveling, or packing lunches or leftovers. 4. 10 Easy Ways to Reduce Waste At Work February 14, 2020. FIFTEEN DUO TANGS. Cut old shirts into cleaning rags. Reducing waste is not only good for the environment but it also saves money. 10. Join Us 10 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Waste at College 1) Say no to plastic bottles and start carrying a reusable water bottle around campus Pro tip: Bring a bottle or tumbler to Starbucks and save a couple cents for a "cup fee". However, the bulk of waste does not biodegrade quickly or ever. To get you started, we've created a list of the top 10 ways to recycle effectively in 2020. 3. Plus, you don't need a big backyard to compost. If your school can reduce the amount of waste it produces and implement recycling, not only will your actions have an environmental impact, but it will also benefit your pupils in the long run. If you buy less then you'll naturally have less to throw out. It's also among the best ways to reduce food waste in your home. Minimise waste. Don't trash your old one. The good news is that there is much we can do to change this consumer-driven, gluttonous behavior. 10 Ways to Stop the Food Waste. Most of us want to look after the environment any way we can, but we often just don't know how. 1. And since we are currently using up the resources that our grandchildren will need to live, it only makes sense that we drastically cut back on what we buy today. Last updated March 10, 2022. Instead of tossing old dry-erase markers, buy refillable ones. 1. The clippings will return nutrients to the soil instead of taking up space in landfills. Kids often do the same. 2. By learning how to properly handle this waste, school officials an have a significant impact on the environment. Automatic compactors in high-traffic areas make disposal simpler and much cheaper to implement. At school you can reduce, reuse & recycle. Pay attention to the school's insulation. You may find a buyer via eBay or Craigslist. Just got a new cell phone? When running a food service business, generating profits relies on cutting excesses. Educating children about environmental responsibility is one way to orient future generations toward conservation. Here are 10 ways that you may be wasting water without being aware of it: 1) Using your toilet as a trash can. The kids might groan while you cheer, but regardless of anticipation levels, a little planning is in order. 9. Approximately one-third of all food is wasted at the retail and consumer levels. The investment in such projects will be worth it in the long run because of the amount of energy that can be saved. 2. In truth, composting is arguably one of the greenest things we can do. Turn old shirts into shopping bags. Much of what we buy in the developed world we don't really need. Eight Ways to Reduce Waste. Moving towards a zero waste, sustainable lifestyle begins at home. In addition to taking our family food waste challenge (see #1 above), here are a few other ideas: Visit a farm to learn about crops and animals. Example: Ask your school to use items such as reusable cafeteria trays and silverware. Top 10 Ways to Reduce Solid Waste By reducing, reusing and recycling waste you can do your part to lead a more sustainable life. As consumers, we can choose . Turning biodegradable waste such as food scraps and yard trimmings into compost or recycling them through your local yard waste collection facility, eliminates a large portion of any household or business's waste stream. 10. Use Recycled Materials For Art Projects Reusing materials in the classroom for something creative can be a great and easy way to show your child how to reduce waste. From bento boxes to tiffins, there are loads of choices, although glass jars may be a bit . T-Shirts. It's the oldest trick in the book of ways to save energy and reduce your energy bills. Most of us want to help the environment today by recycling as much as we can. 1. Ten Ways to Reduce Waste on Campus. Give kids enough time to eat To make sure that no cooled air escapes during summer, have cavity walls filled with insulation. Americans waste enough food every day to fill a 90,000 seat football stadium. 2) BYOB (Bring your own Bag) Follow these 10 steps to help reduce waste and decrease climate change. 10. Keeping doors to other spaces closed during school hours is a good practice. 3. Reusable water bottles are a super easy way to cut out excess plastic from your day to day life. Opt for recycling. 1. Older school buildings are sometimes warmer inside on hot days than the temperature is outside. According to waste management experts Wrap, food waste costs schools and colleges around £250m a year, and eliminating . In part 1 we looked at the shocking scale of food waste, the environmental problems it creates and some of the challenges in overcoming it. Any organization reviewing their waste management strategy should first consider ways to reduce waste and incorporate reusable products to achieve the maximum benefit to the environment. A lot of my shirts and t-shirts have holes in them. Instead, consider a waxed fabric sandwich bag, or one of the many reusable lunch containers on the market. While the abstract idea of reducing one's waste can be overwhelming, a great place to start is within the comfort of your own home. Advertisement Little changes such as switching to cloth bags instead of plastic ones or making a concerted effort to recycle cans and bottles can make a big difference in your waste output. Every time you flush a facial tissue or feminine product, you waste five to seven gallons of water. The possibilities are endless! In part 2 we'll look at some of the ways businesses and schools can reduce food waste and keep it out of landfill. TEN ERASERS. In the US each person uses about 660 lbs of paper per year. Pay attention to the school's insulation. Turning the AC or heat to these recommended temperatures can save you up to 10% on electricity bills yearly. If you need large lawn and garden equipment such as tillers and chainsaws, you can reduce waste (and save money) by setting up a sharing program with your neighbors. Ten Ways to Reduce Waste on Campus. Below are 10 tips on how you can 'avoid' or reduce waste at home and at work: 1. In other words, it's a two-for-one. 4. Source: Zero Waste Classroom. THE 5Th WAY CAFETERIA AND LUNCHS Last tell your teachers to also reduce by using reusable cups, mugs and plates instead of plastic and Styrofoam cups and plates. 55% of 220 million tons of waste generated in the U.S. ends up in more than 3,500 landfills each year. The investment in such projects will be worth it in the long run because of the amount of energy that can be saved. Now! Organise school, park, river and beach cleans. - Reuse means use things again (and again and again) - Recycle . Ms. Heidi of Zero Waste Classroom has reduced her classroom's carbon footprint with this idea. Buy large containers of items or from bulk bins whenever practical. To make waste reduction efforts and environmental protection feasible and practical for schools and school districts, EPA developed Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools, an easy-to-use guide to help schools and school districts implement new, or expand upon existing, waste reduction . - Reduce means cut the amount of stuff you use in the first place so that you have less to throw away. It goes without saying that all the compost made will be excellent for the school farm. But teachers and students can work collaboratively to reduce the amount of waste produced. Recycle plastic, cans and paper - over 400 sets of bins across campus. Fortunately there are things that we can all do about it. Americans waste enough food every day to fill a 90,000 seat football stadium. TEN HB PENCILS. Unless there's some kind of contamination crisis, plastic water bottles are an easy target for reducing waste. 9. Again, heating and cooling costs make up half of a school's utility bills. The good news is that it's fairly easy to reduce your e-waste. Start by reducing your grocery shop. While the abstract idea of reducing one's waste can be overwhelming, a great place to start is within the comfort of your own home. Here are 10 ways to reduce your waste. 38 billion water bottles are thrown away in the US alone each year. 3. Keep kids from wilting in the warmth by creating an engaging outdoor classroom using dry erase boards or clipboards. While research has shown that food wasted by children is similar to the rest of the U.S. population, there are many ways schools can reduce food waste and teach students about the impact it has on the environment and in their community. Start a Compost Bin. TEN BALLPOINT PENS (BLUE OR BLACK). 2. Your school's recycling team could consist of a student leader (s), custodian, teacher, and administration. In this model we extract resources from the Earth and use them just once before disposing of them forever. Even your kids might remind you now and again to shut off those lights when you leave the room. Donate or Sell Working Electronics. Refill your water bottle at 45 stations across campus. 10 Ways How to Reduce Air Pollution: Use of public transport: Use Public Transportation to Reduce Air Pollution. 1. The best way to reduce the amount of plastic waste entering our oceans is to simply cut it off at the source and reduce the amount that is actually used in the first place. Getting students and teachers involved in recycling at school is good for the environment, educational and can be a lot of fun. 1. 2. Keep Doors to Different Areas Closed. Avoid individually wrapped items, snack packs, and single-serve containers. Pull together a recycling and waste management team. Two alternatives to suggest to your school are milk pouches, which result in a much smaller volume and lower weight of waste than paper cartons; or better yet, reusable . The problems our world faces can seem overwhelming. 6 Ways to Reduce Clothing Waste //. 10 Ways to Reduce Waste. Recycle plastic, cans and paper - over 400 sets of bins across campus. 2. Two alternatives to suggest to your school are milk pouches, which result in a much smaller volume and lower weight of waste than paper cartons; or better yet, reusable . As well as reducing waste, this has the added benefit of reducing the consumption of the fossil fuels used to create plastics in the first place. Shop eco-friendly with reusable bags With cities like Montreal banning the distribution of plastic bags in stores, reusable grocery bags are already commonplace across Canada. This process is toxic and exploitative at every step of the way. Olivia Tanchel. Organising regular clean up events - on your school premises, or at a local park, river or beach . Advertisement Little changes such as switching to cloth bags instead of plastic ones or making a concerted effort to recycle cans and bottles can make a big difference in your waste output. Repurposed materials can make great art projects for your class to encourage children to get creative. Use refillable ink cartridges for your printer. But the truth is that there are plenty of things that we can do as individuals to make sure that we are . Taking steps to reduce school waste can have a huge impact on the environment. 2. Ask your school to reduce waste in the lunch room. Learn how you can make small changes that are eco-friendly and will have a lasting impact. In the long run, if your children learn to value food at a young age, they are more likely to grow up to have good eating and food waste habits. Imaginative and optimistic people are challenging the Linear Consumption Economy at every stage. There are a number of recycling centers that take your waste and separate from them the things that can be recycled and those that cannot be recycled. . Repurposed materials can make great art projects for your class to encourage children to get creative. Reusable water bottles. Here are 10 simple ways to reduce waste at home. Going through this thought process may save you some money too. Example: Ask your school to use items such as reusable cafeteria trays and silverware. Here are 10 ways to reduce waste in your life! Stop purchasing cheaply-made clothes. 10. A few cool, useful ways to reuse old t-shirts include.. Or, if you plan on moving, wrapping them up around fragile objects. One of the best ways to get people engaged with the issue is to let them see for themselves the scale of the problem; how the plastic they use in their everyday lives is spilling out into nature. Besides investing in a re-usable straw, here are 10 ways to use less plastic. 6 Ways to Reduce Food Waste in Restaurants and Businesses. While research has shown that food wasted by children is similar to the rest of the U.S. population, there are many ways schools can reduce food waste and teach students about the impact it has on the environment and in their community. Use Recycled Materials For Art Projects Reusing materials in the classroom for something creative can be a great and easy way to show your child how to reduce waste. Reducing school carbon emissions now . Although I still love them, a part of growing as a human includes getting rid of old things that have passed their expiration date. If you wish to reduce the waste in your city, then here are the 10 ways in which you can make this possible. There are many ways to help reduce your daily waste that can help you save time and money later, all while making the . Again, heating and cooling costs make up half of a school's utility bills. It allows you to use your waste to create nutrients for your plants. 3. Turn Out the Lights. I feel like there has been a greater awareness about the state of our environment and world in recent years, which I'm so pumped about! These days, it is easier than ever to recycle; the EPA reported in 2017 that Americans generated 267.8 million tons of trash and recycled/composted 94 million tons. ONE PACKAGE CRAYONS. 10. Bring . Rather than recycling right away, keep un-used scrap paper in a pile for future projects. to help younger students separate waste into correct bins is a way to increase student engagement with waste management in the cafeteria. Refill your water bottle at 45 stations across campus. The biggest changes can often begin with the simplest of chats. Waste is a problem. Therefore, any technique that can trim costs will help the bottom line, including different ways to reduce food waste. Smaller plates can hold only so much food. Reduce We need to reduce the amount of waste generated by consuming more and throwing away […] 10. There are a variety of ways that schools can help to reduce food waste. THE 9th WAY life. File electronically. These are simple swaps you can make that will have a huge impact on the planet! 3. With a well-planned compost system, your school can turn all its trash into treasure. If you want to reduce the number of plastic containers your classroom uses, then look into dry-erase markers that you can refill. In the cafeteria they can also have a testing session for new menus so that it can reduce the food waste. A small bin for your kitchen counter will do. One of the simplest ways you can get started is by implementing some easy recycling practices. 4. The next three ideas can help reduce that food waste. Reducing waste can have positive impacts on local soil and air quality. 3. The possibilities are endless! If you care about the environment, check out the top 10 ways to recycle you everyday items! Teach kids about food. According to Recycle Now, the average primary school produces 45kg of waste per pupil each academic year. 1. Learning to recycle and waste less is important for keeping our planet green. Older school buildings are sometimes warmer inside on hot days than the temperature is outside. 10 Recyclable Things at Home and School. Students become champions of the environment. Reducing what you use of any product is going to reduce waste, but paper is a big one for schools, and for North America in general. Start a Conversation - Keep Waste Reduction on the Agenda One of the most important things that we can all do is keep waste in people's minds. Serve. Repair/mend clothes. You can print double-sided and use scrap paper for notes. On average, Americans recycled and composted 1.5 pounds of waste of a total of 4.4 pounds per person that year. Reducing School Cafeteria Waste, Get Energy Smart! Instead, keep a refillable bottle handy. Milk cartons produce a lot of waste. Offer vs. File electronically. Fortunately, there are many ways to use less paper in the classroom. 10. This will eliminate the one-time use containers they come in. 4. 1. PIN IT. One simple way to efficiently manage e-waste is to simply sell your working electronics. Here's 10 simple things you can do to reduce your household waste: Buy less. A compost pile serves a couple of purposes. Reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible, and compost food and other green waste. I'm sure the list went on. Creative Solutions to Ending School Food Waste, USDA 2017. Listed below are 10 fairly simply and effective ways that you can use to . Simply having conversations at work about waste problems can help encourage others to move in the same direction as you. It can be super overwhelming when you start to look into different stats, but I . 11. Choose products that are returnable, reusable, or refillable over single-use items. Plan your meals. When we compost at home, it means that less trash is sent to the landfill, and it improves the earth by enriching the soil. Use less paper. This how-to article accompanies the feature "Reading, Writing, Recycling: One Oregon School Is Making the Planet a Better Place."Rod Shroufe, founder of Clackamas High School's sustainable-systems class, says making your school more eco-friendly is just a matter of taking the initiative. To make sure that no cooled air escapes during summer, have cavity walls filled with insulation. They resist, redesign, refuse, reuse, repair, and reclaim the system. Approximately one-third of all food is wasted at the retail and consumer levels. The best way to reduce our trash problem is to simply consume less. Facts and figures don't lie — our transportation needs produce 30% of all carbon dioxide gas emissions. Management Of Non-Biodegradable Wastes As Non biodegradable wastes like plastic bags, glass bottles, etc., cannot be broken down by decomposers, their disposal poses a big problem. Representing almost a third of a household's total indoor consumption, toilets are the biggest source of water use in your home. Repair worn shoes. We call these the 3Rs - reduce, reuse and recycle. Buy only what you need - before you make a purchase really think about whether you actually 'need' it or just 'want' it. Even if you're not ready to go 100 percent waste-free, making a list can put things in perspective, so you don't feel deprived and lose your motivation. Ask your school to reduce waste in the lunch room. Futhermore, they can significantly help reduce the number of plastic bags collecting in our landfills. But you should also think about reducing waste at your workplace. Here are just 10 ways to stop the food waste: 1. Minimizing electronic waste is one of the best ways to keep our environment safe. TEN GLUESTICKS. Top 10 Ways to Reduce Waste. Serve smaller portions of food on smaller dishes Most of us will fill up a plate to the edges in a buffet or cafeteria-style setting. 2. Thoughtful parents and teachers can . By taking your own water with you, you'll also reduce your chances of purchasing more expensive beverages on-the-go. TEN NOTEBOOKS. Stop buying bottled water. Bring your own coffee mug for a discount at all campus cafes. The school can save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and decrease the amount of material in landfills by implementaing waste reduction projects. Customer Reviews Our Blog Book Now 10 Ways to Reduce School Waste View Larger Image It's mid-August and 'Back to School' specials are everywhere. Keep kids from wilting in the warmth by creating an engaging outdoor classroom using dry erase boards or clipboards. Milk cartons produce a lot of waste. You can put that reusable bottle to use, save money, and reduce waste. 10 Ways To Reduce Waste At Home Reducing the amount of waste we create in the first place is the key to collectively cutting landfill in Western Australia. Purchase a drycleaners bag to use at home versus taking clothes to the dry cleaners. Non-biodegradable wastes can be managed by practicing the concept of 3Rs—Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. 3. Keeping doors to other spaces closed during school hours is a good practice. Cafeteria kitchens can utilize stainless steel waste compactors in the back where cooks work to reduce the amount of space that food and kitchen waste occupies. Always make a shopping list Buying foods that are already in the home can ultimately become another source of waste. We hope that you will consider some of the following suggestions to reduce the waste stream generated by your school. 11. Bring your own coffee mug for a discount at all campus cafes. When you mow, "grasscycle" by leaving grass clippings on your lawn instead of bagging then. 10) Go for Reusable Items When buying school supplies, always make sure that you choose better alternatives to single-use items. Before you rush out to stock up on school supplies, think about what you really need. Taking an inventory of the food in the house and making a grocery list before. Paper makes up a majority of classroom waste, and there are some very simple methods of reducing a student's paper consumption: Encourage your students to use both sides of the paper in their school books. "Over the following weeks, as we went about daily life, our lists grew to 14 and 16 items." Together, they made a goal to reduce each list to 10 items within a year. Compostable items open up a wonderful path to living a waste-free existence. An example of a very basic food waste audit is the food service director standing by the trash can simply tallying how much of certain foods are being thrown in the trash - for example, fruits and vegetables. Buy Energy Efficient Vehicles: When purchasing a vehicle, consider fuel efficient and alternative fuel vehicles. Recycling and general waste reduction efforts can help to minimize habitat destruction caused by deforestation for more raw materials, as well as, reduce CO2 emissions and pollution, which contribute to one of the biggest issues the world is facing today: global warming. Furthermore, it's believed that up to 78% of this waste could be easily recycled or composted. FIVE BINDERS. I know - who has time to actually look at a recipe and go shopping with a list? Read: 10 Ways to Reduce Food Waste and Save the Planet. And I'm sure each year my parents dreaded us going back to school. 2010. The average American produces about 4.4 pounds of trash per day. Keep Doors to Different Areas Closed. So many decisions we make in our everyday lives have a major impact on the planet.